The Personal Watchlist (PWL) is a means to input stock ideas from multiple sources to determine if any of those many ideas are near a buy price as determined by our CANTATAsm methodology. Then you can choose to send an alert for the identified stocks on your lists.
Note that email alerts for PWL's are locked at 9:29AM EST for that day. Changes to your PWL's are possible while the market is open and will show up on the alert monitor page, but email alerts are locked in.
The PWL is designed to allow you to create or cut and paste a list of up to 500 stock symbols into each PWL. There are four PWL’s for a total of 2,000 stock symbols. Not that you would normally use that many but, for example, you could add one stock daily for over one year from a daily stock idea source.
Each stock list can be from a different source that you subscribe or read about in an article, or hear about from your stock investors’ group. Even stock ideas from business television programs can be put into a list for comparison with’s stock timing and alert service.
You can select a column from a spreadsheet or a postscript (pdf) file or a Notepad file and copy/cut and then paste into the box for the selected PWL.
To cut and paste from a column of stock symbols in a postscript (pdf) file into the PWL.
Four PWL’s are the maximum at any one time. If you want to add an additional list, you must first select and delete a PWL you no longer need. You can combine many lists into one list of 500 stock symbols if you choose.
Now you can compare the PWL with the latest chart patterns.
Under “Compare BoW watchlists” is a list and selection arrow. Select the pattern you are most interested and a table will appear showing which stock symbols on your PWL’s matches that pattern. Also listed is the number of occurrences that symbol appears in your PWL’s and the BoW watch list.
By doing this you can now identify which stocks meet your fundamental requirements and’s technical and timing requirements.
You can change your PWL email alert preferences under the Take Action - Alerts > Alert Preferences menu choice.
You can change your email address for alerts under “Account Management” and “Update Account” tabs on the left side of any of our site pages.